السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2015

NEWS : New Horizon way to the outer solar system

After flying closely Pluto in July, the probe New Horizons continues his odyssey. Its goal in 2014 MU69 in the Kuiper Belt.
This summer, information about the fly by Pluto New Horizons have stopped raining, accompanied by beautiful pictures of the dwarf planet. The probe is now very far and the scientific team who is responsible for just defined it a new target, it will be the subject MU69 2014 found in the Kuiper Belt.The New Horizons probe is en route to his next target
Since its launch in 2006, the New Horizons probe will be done in the way! It's July 14th it reached its first target: Pluto. It will have taken beautiful photographs and collected valuable information that the scientific team on the ground is going to dissect. The trip from New Horizons will not stop there, the team defined the next target of the probe, MU69 2014, an object belonging to the Kuiper belt. NASA has yet to validate this choice, but it should only be a formality. Located 1 billion kilometers from Pluto, New Horizons is expected to arrive over the object of 40 km in diameter beginning in 2019 if all goes well.
"The objects of the Kuiper Belt were formed far from the sun, they are the remains of the" bricks "that formed the solar system body like Earth", explains Sonia Fornasier, LESIA Paris Observatory.Why MU69 2014 and not another object?
MU69 2014 was discovered in the summer of 2014 by the Hubble Space Telescope and seemed to be the object of the Kuiper belt as easily attainable "for orbital reasons" according to Ms. Fornasier. Also, learn more about this type of object is to understand the formation of our solar system. They "did not undergo the metamorphosis that changed the primordial materials of planets. They are kept cold, far from the Sun: so they kept them materials that are at the origin of Solar System bodies ", says Sonia Fornasier.
NASA provides that there should not be any communication problems with the probe, she embarks systems are made to work even at a distance well beyond Pluto.

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